Price list

Prices out of season – April, May, June, September, October 2025:

Type of accommodation (regardless of the number of beds in cabin) CZK / person
The whole weekend (Friday to Sunday – 2 Night)        600,-
Weekend (only one night)        350,-
Weekdays (one night)        250,-
School groups (week days) + your sleeping bags  from 200,-
VIP six-bed cabin weekdays
VIP six-bed cabin weekend ( Sir)
Six VIP cabin ( 1 day on the weekend)
Community recreation fee (ZTP card holders and children up to 18 let)          15,-
    • The price includes bed linen with linen, dishes (plates, cutlery, cooking pots, board, glasses), refrigerator, stove and kettle.
    • When using electrical appliances, the customer pays at the end of your stay for the consumed electricity 8 Kč/kWh.
    • The price of the cottage is a premium resort 15 CZK and ZTP card holders and children up to 18 let.

Deposit for cleaning the cottage 200 CZK – it is paid in cash upon arrival at the reception. V případě uklizené chaty se záloha vrací v plné výši na konci pobytu nazpět.

Prices in high season – July, August:

Type of accommodation CZK / chat
Four-bed cabin
5 and more nights (accommodation for the whole week – preferred)
      5 950,-
tj. 850,- x 7 nights
Double cabin
5 and more nights (accommodation for the whole week – preferred)
     3  850,-
tj. 550,- x 7 nights
2L cottage for one to 4 Night            700,-
4L cottage for one to 4 Night          1400,-
VIP cabin – six (Cottage No. 25)
(accommodation for the whole week 6 people
      10 500,-
t.j 1 500,- x 7 nights
ZTP card holders and children up to 18 let. 15,- (person / night)
    • The price of the basic equipment: bedding with sheets, refrigerator, two-plate electric stove, kettle, dishes (plates, cutlery, about two to four cooking pots, board, glasses, basin for washing dishes). We recommend to take with you the means to wash dishes, sharp knife, Cloth.
    • Při využívání elektrických spotřebičů platí zákazník na konci pobytu za spotřebovanou elektřinu 8,-Kč/kWh.
    • The price of the cottage is a premium resort 15 CZK and is not paid by the owner of the ZTP card and children to 18 let.

Deposit for cleaning the cottage 500 CZK – it is paid in cash upon arrival at the reception. V případě uklizené chaty se záloha vrací v plné výši na konci pobytu nazpět.

Other prices:

Item CZK
Car 60,-
Residential car, delivery 150,-
Karavan 140,-
Motorcycle, přívěsný vozík, pártystan 50,-
Stan (1-4 persons or 5m) 100,-
Pavilion (on 4 people) 120,-
One person  
  • adult (on 15 let)
  • child (6 – 15 let)
Pes 60,-
Consumed energy (per 1 kWh) 10,-
  • The price of instant messaging is already included in the fee per person (no fee OU).
  • The prices per person (on 18 let) is also charged a recreation fee 15 CZK determined by the municipal authority. ZTP card holders and children up to 18 let.